Students in a lobby meeting with member of Congress during the International Conference and Lobby Day in Washington D.C.
Other Ideas
In addition to endorsements, testimonials, presentations, and films, here are some other ideas to advocate for climate solutions:
Advocacy Actions
1. Join CCL’s Monthly Calling Campaign. Chapters can create a group of volunteers who call once per month to ensure their member(s) of Congress receive a small number of phone calls every day from constituents. If you’d like to move your member of Congress on an issue via a steady drumbeat of daily calls, then you may want to sign everyone up to make a monthly call and designate one volunteer as your district or state Monthly Calling Congress Campaign (MCC) Admin.
2. Write articles or opinion pieces for your local media. An opinion editorial (“op-ed”) piece published in a local newspaper will grab the attention of a staff person or legislator, and reach a wide public audience to elevate the profile of climate advocacy or climate solutions in your community.
3. Start a petition. When you need to demonstrate a lot of grassroots support for something, a petition is a great tool. See this example from and start your own at
4. Attend or organize a march. CCL sponsored the 2017 March for Science, and many of our members went to the People's Climate March and Global Climate Strikes. Attending such an event is also a good way show solidarity with other climate groups and find new allies.
5. Support a state campaign. Our Climate advocates for state carbon pricing legislation. Visit their website for more information. Or petition your state legislators to start one!
Outreach Actions
1. Raise funds for Citizens' Climate Lobby, Citizens’ Climate Education, Citizens' Climate Higher Education, or your local chapter. Want to support CCL with a donation or raise funds for your group? Ideas for fundraisers include auctions, talent shows, phone banking and online fundraising.
2. Host a panel discussion or forum. Check out this forum organized by students at MIT for an example.
3. Host an activist summit. Gather a few speakers, plan a few workshops, and invite local organizations. Check out Tulane Climate Action Day for an example.
4. Organize a conference. Check out any of CCL's regional conferences for examples.
5. Create a highly visible event. A highly visible event utilizes public art or some other form of highly visible display to create awareness about climate change. Click here for a mosaic whale example from Boston.
Have you done something creative and impactful on climate? Tell us and we'll share your idea on our website or with our groups.
Our Climate's salmon mosaic