Intern Spotlight: Maya Karmaker

We are delighted to introduce Maya as our Education and Engagement Intern this summer. She works on CCL’s volunteering and training programs, where she engages with volunteers online through the “Introduce Yourself” and “Certificate Program” Forums as well as through the learning portal. She has been instrumental in organizing content and creating a welcoming and informative communication with the organization. She is hoping to generate more accessible environmental education while actively engaging in the communities who use our resources. 

Maya got her start in the environmental world when she got to see first hand the disparities between urban communities of color, and wealthier white peers. Everything from outdoor recreation to greenspaces is affected by inequality, with people of color facing the largest impacts of climate change. Maya is passionate about climate because she believes in an equitable future for her urban community, as well as other groups who face the worst of climate change. 

In her free time, Maya enjoys trying out new cuisines and restaurants with her friends and getting outdoors to sit by a body of water. She relaxes by crocheting, word searches, and watching reality TV. We are so excited to have Maya with us this summer!