Intern Spotlight: Megan DiFranco

Megan DiFranco is musician, bird nerd, and climate advocate!

Megan DiFranco is a senior studying biology at the University of Rochester. She became interested in climate advocacy as a result of her interest in improving the way we communicate scientific and political concepts to the general public. Seeing the strides CCL was making to communicate about climate change in a nonpartisan way, Megan was drawn to intern with us.

Megan served as the Education and Engagement Intern this fall. As part of her responsibilities, she assisted with running seminars and trainings, like our weekly Core Volunteer Trainings. In addition, she supported CCL’s numerous online forums, like the discussions our participants in the Climate Advocacy Certificate Program engage in throughout the semester. If you joined CCL this fall, you might even have had Megan respond to your introduction post! Her efforts were invaluable to making people feel welcome this semester.

When she’s not busy studying, she serves on the executive boards for her university’s Birding Club and the Transfer Student Organization. She also has a creative streak, playing clarinet in the pit orchestra for Off Broadway on Campus. If she manages to find a few extra hours in the day, you’ll find her reading, horseback riding, or hanging out with her dog, named Bear. Megan’s adventurous spirit draws her to stay busy and active in a lot of different communities. We’re grateful she chose to channel this energy into CCL this semester!