Intern Spotlight: Emily O’Keefe

Emily is returning to CCL and avidly continuing her work in climate advocacy, particularly for the Carbon Fee and Dividend Movement!

Emily O’Keefe is from Falls Church, VA and a current senior at William & Mary. Initially, she thought she wanted to be a doctor, but quickly realized the value in climate advocacy. She has found this minimalist perspective on life to be more personally fulfilling. Helping the environment is now her focus. 

This is not Emily’s first year in CCL, she has worked as a college outreach intern prior and is the current founder of the student-led Carbon Fee and Dividend Movement within CCL. Her primary roles are contributing to the expansion of the Higher Ed infrastructure, working on our social media platforms, and building out our network. She’s passionate about getting college students involved in CCL and grassroots engagement for the carbon fee dividend.

While her main focus is on CCL and climate advocacy, Emily is also an avid rock climber. Her favorite book is “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther Hicks, crediting much of her optimism and passion for climate work towards this text. Other than that, you can find her hanging out with her dog Beau! We are so fortunate to have Emily in CCL, her plans are limitless. We cannot wait to see what more she has to offer.