Intern Spotlight: Karina Taylee

Karina is graduating from Florida International University with her master’s degree in December 2023!

Karina Taylee is completing her Master’s in Global Strategic Communications and a certificate in Science Communication at Florida International University. Her interest in climate advocacy is tied to her Miami roots, where she could enjoy nature year-round. But even in her lifetime, Karina has seen the effects of climate change, like flooding, stronger hurricanes, and marine biodiversity loss. Growing up in a climate-changed world with a meteorologist abuelo instilled in her a curiosity to understand what was happening to her world - and what she could do about it.

This fall, Karina interned with our Citizens’ Climate Radio team. She researched topics and future guests to develop questions and plans for episodes. She is also editing parts of the episodes, and shares that she continues to learn and expand her duties every week. She hopes this experience will hone her journalism and producing skills. She wants to be a better researcher, interviewer, and radio producer so she can tell stories that inspire others to care and advocate for their planet. Karina is especially passionate about creating content that shows people that they have a role in the climate movement. She wants “everyone to know that their skills, experiences, and perspectives are needed and welcome in our movement.”

When she is not busy with graduate school or producing great episodes of CCR, Karina loves to read and write novels, poetry, and short stories. She also enjoys traveling as a way to learn about the world, and loves to be active. If that wasn’t enough, she’s learning how to sew to upcycle clothing! When it comes to music, she sticks to the classics - Queen! Her current favorite movie is “The Trial of the Chicago Seven,” and she has been enjoying the book “Less” by Andrew Sean Greer. She’s currently binging the t.v. show Frasier with her three pitbulls - two sisters and their mother! -, Lyla, Angie and Noir. Karina is an ambitious climate advocate, leader, and storyteller and we are so grateful for her talent!