Nabila has started her undergraduate degree, the latest step in her winding journey as a climate advocate.
Nabila Wilson is from Texas, growing up around Houston. This year, she began her undergraduate studies in Sustainability Science at Furman University. Nabila’s climate journey was prompted by the catastrophic events of Hurricane Harvey. The reality of climate change dawned upon her, realizing she needs to be a part of the movement to save our planet.
Throughout the semester, Nabila has been supporting our Chapter Development team. Her primary duties consist of providing technical support for weekly informational sessions, tracking volunteer media work, working on op-eds, articles, and assisting with our monthly Letter Writing Zoom Parties. She also researches climate articles and newspaper submission details for regional media training sessions. By the end of her internship, Nabila hopes to gain valuable skills regarding climate advocacy and environmental policy. Most importantly, she wants to help other people in their climate journey.
Nabila’s climate efforts don’t just stop at CCL. At university, she’s an Eco-Rep, secretary for the Environmental Action Group, and an active member of the Outdoors Club. Besides climate work, Nabila’s is interested in hiking and martial arts. She loves reading and watching movies, some of her favorites being made by Studio Ghibli. We have loved having Nabila in CCL!